Our Story

The story of Tenob is one of success, in fact one of the most successful in the New Zealand marine industry. It began back in 1973 when Ted Nobbs, and yes, that’s where the Tenob name came from, began the business.
At that time the company developed the Tenob rise & fall outboard bracket and now, nearly 50 years later, the range of outboard brackets has grown and is almost unchanged from the original. It is sold all around the world.
However, that is just one small part of the Tenob story. Over the last half century the company has grown into a major New Zealand distributor of some of the world’s finest marine brands. Renowned products from companies such as Quick, Bennett, Roca, Glendinning, Springfield, Moeller, Perko, Easterner and Scepter, to name just a few, are all part of the Tenob stable.
Import and distribution is a major component of the business, including OEM supply to boatbuilders throughout the country but at the same time the manufacturing side of the business has also grown exponentially.
Another famous Tenob product is the game-changing Tenob Big Bung. It is sold world-wide and used by almost every NZ boatbuilder. The range of Tenob manufactured products includes bailers, a battery box, cleats, deadeyes, nylon covers, vents and much more.
Much of the growth has taken place since 2014 when the owners of another successful marine company, Marine Direct, purchased Tenob.
Since they took control, Danny and Taniya Bassi have shifted the business to bigger new premises and grown sales substantially. They have added many new agencies, and perhaps most importantly, have put their own special touch on the business.
Family values, looking after staff and treating every single customer equally is at the core of that, as is ensuring the best possible prices and reliable stock levels. Those aren’t easy things to achieve is these changing times, yet Tenob has managed to achieve all of them.
As their mission statement says –
Exceptional customer service through communication, integrity, and reliability whilst striving for excellence in our knowledge and by providing leading quality marine products to offer the best to our customers.
Danny and Taniya look forward to leading Tenob through its sixth decade in New Zealand’s marine industry.